
Kate’s Tangents – Rainbow High Conundrum

So, today I’m here to address why we’ve opted to continue buying Rainbow High dolls.

By now, all of you have heard that the man behind the Rainbow High doll designs released private information belonging to a teenage fan who bought dolls well before release on AliExpress.

So, let me start here – I do get why as an artist/designer, he wouldn’t be thrilled with his work being bought on AliExpress. Big company does not mean someone didn’t put in work to create the dolls or that the dolls don’t mean anything to the designer.

But I do not condone his behavior. Revealing their personal information doesn’t sit well. How did he get it? Who knows. We only know what we’re told by the parties involved and we won’t know anything more.

What I do know is that the situation was poorly handled.

Some of my Rainbow High dolls including winter Sunny, Ruby and Sky, the twins, Jett Dawson and Bella Parker.

What you really want to know is why the hell am I still buying Rainbow High dolls?

Well, the answer to that is simple. One man’s actions do not represent the company as a whole. I’m not giving up dolls I love, dolls that rekindled my love of the hobby, because one man did something absolutely stupid and wrong.

The thing is, when I was a teenager, I collected My Scene dolls. I loved those dolls and I bought a new one any chance I had. I knew which was which without looking it up online, had memorized which outfits and accessories went to which dolls. Then in 2008, they got harder to find and in 2011, disappeared entirely. No other doll line has managed to fill the void My Scene left.

Until Rainbow High, and I am not willing to give up what makes me happy because one man decided to do something he shouldn’t have. So think what you will of me, but know I do not support MScott’s behavior, I just won’t give up the dolls I love over it.

Posted In: Kate's Tangents

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