
Kari’s Fashion Studio

Kari’s Creative Corner – Welcome to the Fashion Studio!

Hey everybody! Kari here! This has been a long time coming, but the ADHD brain got to us and it got pushed off a bit until the rest of the distractions were cleared out of the way! This will be the set we use to show off my fashion designs when I manage to make […]


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Angela (&Kari’s) Collection – Jett Dawson!!

So, we’ve been very American Girl focused lately. Sounds like it might be time to change things up just a little bit and welcome someone new to the collection! Someone special from Rainbow High! Can you guess which student is coming to join us? I’ll give you a hint…Kari and Becca both love her!


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Kari’s Fashion Studio – Jewelry Show!

Hey guys! It’s Kari! I have some fun stuff for you today! First of all, here’s my partner in crime for the fashion corner, Miss Becca Oldstein. She’s the one who keeps me from going too completely over the top crazy with my designs and helps make some of them a reality!


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