
NameAngel “Aang” Beckett
DatingMarried Carson Beckett
Favorite ThingsApple Spice tea! Oh, and anything else apple flavored. And plaid. I love plaid. And science fiction.
ProfessionCo-head of medicine on Atlantis

My story is a complicated one. It starts when I ended up in foster care at fifteen by my own doing. My dad left when I was five and my mother was never fit to be a parent. It took ten years to convince anyone to listen to me.

When I did convince someone to listen, I was taken in by a foster family, Marie, Jonathan and their little girl Sierra. Usually they wouldn’t place troubled kids in a family with small children, but I guess none of my classmates or teachers had any reason to believe I’d do anything wrong.

Anyway, I stayed with them for two years as their foster daughter, then on my graduation day, about six months before I turned eighteen, they adopted me. Mom and Dad and Sierra are my family now.

I went to college, medical school actually, and I fell in love and married. Carson has been the best husband I could ever ask for and we’ve got twins Erica and Andrew, a younger daughter Jocelyn Joelle who we call JoJo and an adopted daughter Jasmine. I’ve also got my soul sister Joey, her husband Benji and their little ones, Caro, Jake and Jenna, and my kids’ godmother Carolyn. The list of my family goes on.

As a side effect of the Irish blood on my mother’s side, I also share in the gifts of Old Ireland that you’ll learn more about through Sorcha and her stories. I specifically am descended from her handmaiden, Aine (Awn-ya). My gift allows me to heal and bring peace to damaged minds.

And why would a doctor be here in a doll collector’s world? Because, you see, dolls get hurt sometimes. I’ll be a part of any posts involving dolls who need major repairs to bring them back to full health!

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