
NameAngela “Angie” Biro
DatingSebastian Jameson
Favorite ThingsDolls, specifically American Girl.
HobbiesCustomizing and repairing all sorts of dolls, collecting them too!
ProfessionNight shift doctor & Doll Doctor on Atlantis

I don’t really know where to start, so we’ll start when I was six. Mom and Dad used to get me the American Girl catalog now and then to look at and I’d circle everything I wanted from it and keep it to look at.

One day, a large box showed up at the front door, with my name on the label. I couldn’t believe it, that only ever happened on birthdays and Christmas when the grandparents would send gifts, but this wasn’t either of those occasions.

Mom said I could open it up and…there she was when I lifted the lid off the dark red box inside. My Felicity, my first American Girl doll. I took her everywhere. I had a couple of her outfits by the time I was ten and I had her bedding and pajamas, but she was still my only doll.

I took her to the lake every summer to watch Dad fish and play by the water. And most summers, she came back unscathed save for a bit of dirt on her dress. But one summer, a boy who I’d know a couple of years decided it was stupid of me to bring Felicity and he knocked her into a muddy spot.

It took me the rest of the summer to learn how to clean my girl and restore her. After that, I started using my pocket money to buy dolls at thrift stores and yard sales to work on learning more.

Now, I have over a thousand dolls in my collection, from Barbie to American Girl, Bratz to Rainbow High. Some of them are original, some are customized.

I share my home with my husband, Sebastian, my daughter, Kyla and our son, Joseph as well as all of the dolls now. Well, and Bass’s husky, Icicle. Icy is a good girl, but I have yet to teach her to stay out of the doll room…hmm…

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Aang Beckett AG Doll Aine Walsh American Girl Angela Angela Biro Bailey Bailey Roberts Barbie Custom Doll Doll Doctor Druid Legends Fashion Design Fashionista KariBelle Kari Brooks Karina Brooks Kate Kate Heightmeyer Phoenix Rising Writer