
NameBailey “Bay” Roberts
DatingJeff Nolan
Favorite ThingsI love spicy Mexican food, fresh cinnamon rolls and my fiance Jeff’s books! Oh, and nachos with fake cheese, but don’t tell Maddie!
HobbiesCooking, baking, writing with Jeff
ProfessionNight shift chef on Atlantis

My story is a complicated one, one I’m not always so proud of, but here it is anyway.

My dad died when I was barely a teenager. By the time I was fifteen, my mom wasn’t able to care for me anymore, she was in a live-in psychiatric facility, shut off from the world entirely. I was living with my Theia Kim, Theios Raoul and cousin Maddie, trying and failing to cope with my world falling apart around me at the time.

My brother was traveling…his way of coping was physically running from the loss, and I can’t really blame him for that now. But when I was fifteen? It stung a little that he couldn’t stay with me. He was all I had left of my immediate family and it hurt him too much to be in New York with us.

Anyway, fast forward several years, I was neck deep in the bad decisions I’d made after the loss of my parents and brother when Carl came back. He took me with him this time to his new home…where I was able to have a fresh start and a complete detox from what happened. Little did I know then, Maddie would eventually join us here and my mom would recover…I’d get most of my family back, even if there will always be a hole where Dad should be.

I met Jeff not long after I joined my brother, but it took a while for him to work past his shyness and for me to be alright with letting him see the real me without the makeup and hair dye I’d been hiding behind for so long. We bonded over cinnamon rolls, extra spicy Mexican food (Ghost pepper!) and the fact that the book I fell in love with several years ago was his (!) – turns out he’s been my favorite author for quite some time and I didn’t even realize it!

I still consider myself in recovery, but I’ve been clean for a few years now, thanks to Carl, my Jeff and Maddie. Carl brought me here, Jeff loves me regardless of my past and Maddie…Maddie did everything she could to keep me from losing the last of myself to my addiction.

Why am I here? I’m the storyteller of the bunch, with the help of my Jeff of course. Someone has to tell our dolls’ stories for the world to read. I hope you enjoy the legends of the Irish druids and Princess Sorcha…!

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