
NameKarina “Kari” Brooks
DatingMathéo Garcia
Favorite Things“Skyline” Blue, Floral patterns, Disney fairies
HobbiesSewing, fashion design, drawing, painting
ProfessionBotany, specifically edible plants and plant genetics

I was just a kid when I first started designing clothes in my school notebooks and trying to alter my outfits. I sewed rhinestones and sequins on my school uniforms so many times, I got kicked out of three Catholic schools by the time I was in high school between that and my ADHD making it hard.

Public school was Mom’s last ditch attempt to get me educated somehow, which is where I met Rilynn in high school. They paired us together, I think the principle thought that making me her mentor would set us both straight. Spoilers…it didn’t do that at all, actually.

I redesigned my own clothes and Lynn’s all through high school. Junior Year, she took the cheerleading squad completely by storm and ended up their captain and I wound up redesigning their uniforms as part of her plan.

Senior year, I annoyed the football team. I mean, the hottest cheerleader on the squad was dating ME! Yes, that’s right, Lynn and I dated senior year and into our first year of college. She’s still my best friend even though we don’t date anymore.

So, that first year of college, my parents wanted me to stay home. I didn’t want to. Lynn and I took off to Paris for a week over Spring Break. I spent half of it in our hotel room, crying…I tried to show my fashion designs at a couple of fashion houses, see, and one of the designers threw my sketchbook and portfolio in the literal trash can. I’ve never seen Lynn so angry.

But she kept supporting me. Now, I’ve got Becca and the rest of my chosen family along with Lynn. I’ve had my fashion designs on the Paris runway (hmph, not good enough my left butt cheek) and most of my friends wear clothes I’ve designed (not Brax though, he’s exclusively Becca’s model. Makes sense, he is her best friend and her boyfriend after all).

Oh, and I have my Teo. Mathéo Garcia. He’s the sweetest guy, he loves me. And for some reason, he knows exactly how to help me focus when it’s hard and accepts that I’m wired a little differently without any hesitation. I love him so much.

So, that’s me. As for why I’m here? I use my fashion design skills to create awesome looks for the dolls!!

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